
Annoucement > Detail Announcement |
Subject: FYP II Hardcover Binding (Sem 1 Session 2014/2015)
Message: Congratulations for surviving your viva voce!

Please do the following action:

1. Meet with your supervisor and examiner and discuss on any corrections required for your report.

2. Do your corrections and give a copy to your supervisor for approval. Your supervisor MUST sign and verify your report.

3. Submit two (2) copies of the final report (ready for hard-cover binding) to the FKJ Academic Office (attn: Pn. Dewi) on and before 30 January 2015.

4. Prepared a CD that contains the entire project and send it to your supervisor on or before 30 January 2015.

3. Email a softcopy of the corrected abstract (english & malay versions) in MS Word format to reneekychin@ums.edu.my on or before 30 January 2015.

Your co-operation is highly appreciated.
Publish Date: 15-Jan-2015
Posted By: Lecturer: Renee Chin Ka Yin
Download: For public download
Attached FileLast Update

Any problem please contact me at

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For FKI member, please visit http://coesa.ums.edu.my/conf/fki_fyp_2016/ .